The Dairy Apartments in Northeast Portland

The Sunshine Dairy at NE 21st Avenue and I-84 was easily recognizable with its huge rooftop milk carton, and provided hundreds of jobs for many years. But as the surrounding neighborhood transitioned from industrial to a mix of office, retail, and housing, it became difficult for the steady stream of large trucks to access the dairy, and it closed a few years ago.

Shortly after closing, street artists painted large murals along the entire building, turning the warehouse into a bright, colorful art display while the owners made their plans for the site.

Earlier this year, the building was demolished and they are now building the first phase of the Dairy Apartments, a 271 unit, 7-story building.

It will be mostly market-rate apartments, as well as some affordable housing under the city's Inclusionary Housing policy. It will offer car and bicycle parking, and bring more residents to this neighborhood.

The old telegraph building, which is part of the property, is still standing, with plans for it still to be determined.,


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